Expertise and Experience
JSXGraph is a cross-browser JavaScript library for interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization in the web browser.
sketchometry is a dynamic mathematics software for tablet PCs and PCs. The construction tool is your finger. sketchometry automatically identifies sketched circles, lines, perpendiculars, and a lot of other objects. You can manipulate these figures interactively, while preserving mathematical relationships.
The mathematics software GEONExT is a construction and exploration tool for students and teachers. GEONExT is the predecessor of sketchometry
Organization and Structure
The Center for Mobile Learning with Digital Technology is a scientific research institution of the faculty of mathematics, physics, and computer science at Bayreuth University. The center closely cooperates with the Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, the research group for computer science education, and the coordination office for e-learning at Bayreuth University.
Goals and Activities
Main goal of the center is the development of mathematics software for mobile devices (e.g. tablet PCs) and qualified teaching and learning materials like dynamic worksheets and e-books. Furthermore there is the scientific study of teaching and learning with digital technology in cooperation with schools.
Priorities and Topics
- Further development of dynamic mathematics software, especially sketchometry
- Design of learning environments and dynamic teaching materials
- Development and design of e-books
- Continuing education of teachers
- Long-term testing of mobile digital technology in classroom



Executive Secretary

Wirsberg-Gymnasium Würzburg


Alexander-von-Humboldt-Realschule Bayreuth

Research Group for Computer Science Education

Chair of Databases and Information Systems

Executive Secretary, Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

Naabtal-Realschule Nabburg

Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

Research Group for Computer Science Education

Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Bayreuth University
- Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- Research Group for Computer Science Education
- Office for E-Learning
- Alexander-von-Humboldt-Realschule, Bayreuth
- Graf-Münster-Gymnasium, Bayreuth
- Stiftland-Gymnasium, Tirschenreuth
- Wirsberg-Gymnasium, Würzburg
National Partners
- Arbeitgeberverband Gesamtmetall, Initiative think ING., Berlin
- Verein mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Excellence-Center an Schulen (MINT-EC), Berlin
- MINT21 - Projekt des vbw (München) für Bayerische Realschulen
International Partners
- CK-12-Foundation, Palo Alto (CA, USA)
- Curriki, Cupertino (CA, USA)
- Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble (Frankreich)
- University of Maribor, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (Slovenien)
- Aalto University (Finnland)
- Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích (Tschechische Republik)
- BonNouEdu, La Vila Joiosa (Spanien)
- IES Mediterrània, Benidorm (Spanien)
- Consellería Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Valencia (Spanien)
Contact and Imprint
Center for Mobile Learning with Digital Technology
Forschungsstelle für Mobiles Lernen mit digitalen Medien
Wissenschaftliche Forschungseinrichtung der Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik der Universität
Bayreuth nach Art. 19 Abs. 5 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes (BayHSchG)
Universität Bayreuth
Center for Mobile Learning with Digital Technology
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
+49 921 55 32 66
Prof. Dr. Peter Baptist
+49 921 55 3266
Executive Secretary
Dr. Carsten Miller
+49 921 55 3268